Recommendation on the initial and further training of firefighters and other rescue services in passenger and freight transport on the trans-European road and railway network
Road and railway tunnels are a key element in the development of the European transport network. Although the number of accidents in tunnels is low compared to the open roadway, the potential damage caused by a single accident is many times higher in tunnels – in terms of the number of victims, the mass psychological impact on road users and in terms of material damage and the impact on the infrastructure. The behaviour of people and firefighters, in addition to the technical safety systems in the tunnel, therefore has a decisive influence on the safety level in road and railway tunnels. For a structured interaction between victims and firefighters in the tunnel is central for example the level of knowledge of safety processes, the psychology of the people involved as well as the training of firefighters and their supervisors. Having this mind, it surprises that there is no integrated European training concept for “fire and rescue services in tunnel operations”. SAFEINTUNNELS – an Erasmus+-funded project from the key action strategic partnerships in the field of vocational training and education – is therefore the content-related and structural push for harmonisation and digitalisation in the training of fire and rescue services in Europe. It focuses on road and railway tunnels as symbolic lifelines of a living European idea. The objectives of this recommendation are therefore:
- To provide a systematic overview of existing European regulations and guidelines in the field of safety in tunnels and for fire and rescue services.
- To provide an overview of the need for harmonisation of the training of “fire brigades and rescue teams in tunnel operations”.
- Practical recommendation for regulators and decision-makers, including the basic elements for the training of “fire and rescue services in tunnels”.